Friday, October 14, 2005

I just want your seeds

The replies to my faux Sperm Donor post were all over the map -- from the most sincere nice guys -- to over the top narcisists. Here are a few:

(Identifying characteristics were changed to protect the identities of these men, who are all too eager to share their DNA.)

Nice guy in San Francisco

I'm 48, 5'11'', SWM, no kids. I tried a similar thing with a Lesbian girl, but she couldn't have kids.

This sounds great, but it would be even better if we hit it off and really could have a loving relationship to share with a child!!!

Mr. Larger than Average

Hey you've described me well enough:

- age 40

- caucasian, or at least 50% Caucasian/European

- height 6'1

- high IQ, well-educated, or very bright -- one conversation is all you'll need to confirm this.

- we find each other sexually attractive -- cuddly boob man, w/a larger than average penis

I have been a child support target once, and have a 9 year old boy to adopted parents. The mother was a "Elite" hacker groupie in the early 90's back when hacking was truly a fun frontier on the net, and I was the sex icon of the hacker gropies, (However, not promiscuous.)

I am an independant software consultant and precocious to a painful degree with the wrong environment to foster my talents. IQ was rated 155 in pre-teen years, and certain numerical tests and reflex tests score off the charts. The Big Lebowski scenario is quite fascinating to me. I have references, for good bad or otherwise; fun in bed.

The GQ Guy

Well first can we start with a picture befor any thing else. (sic)

(Attached was a nude pic entitled "GQ GUY")


Greetings and salutations, that is quite a posting, I can say that I believe that I meet and possibly exceed the qualities and traits you are looking for, I'm very confident that I do. Real life chemistry is really important I have come to learn, it's part of what they call "the dance".

To take part in your selection would be an experience to be sure. I know you are going to pick to someone who you feel is best, I'm open to talking, meeting and getting aquainted. Here is a small first step, this letter to you. I feel willing to give it go. As Marlon Brando says in On The Water Front 'I coulda been a contender'.


You sound just wonderful...

I'm mature, 50, 5'10, 180lbs, brown/green, European born WM - very potent and very fertile...

I'm in quest to find open minded, healthy, responsible and fertile
woman for discreet intimate friendship +...I'd be happy to send you on a way to motherhood right away...

(I bet he'd be happy to send me on my way -- right after ejaculating.)


A brief glimpse of what I'd bring to our gene pool:

Handsome, tall, cultivated 42 yr old Englishman.

Classical musician at highest professional level Martial artist and interest in Eastern philosophy

Well educated and emotionally intelligent

Clean and compassionate spirit

And (just for you) rest assured that I'm a considerate and accomplished lover *smile*

(This man's email address was, ironically, "Shag bolter." I guess he likes to shag and run!)

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